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Intergenerational Conversation with the Foot Soldiers of Dr. King's Movement: Past, Future and Prese
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About this event
On Sunday, January 12, the SCLC/W.O.M.E.N., Georgia Stand-Up, and the Atlanta North-Georgia Labor Council will sponsor a kick-off event to the Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday celebration at the Georgia Stand-Up headquarters in SW Atlanta.
Come hear from luminaries J.T. Johnson, who served on the field staff of the SCLC for Dr. King, integrated the beaches in St. Augustine and as a special assistant to Dr. Ralph David Abernathy, Deidre Orange, the daughter of labor leader and SCLC organizer Rev. James Orange, Yvette Carnell, founder and president of the ADOS Advocacy Foundation, and Kevin Cole, an award-winning artist/educator and the visionary behind Soul Ties. Deric Gilliard focus on his magical years as SCLC communications director and how it prepared him for his time working for the last five presidents, with a focus on the Obama and Trump administrations.
This event is free and open to the public.
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